Service for creating and enabling abilities.
Example usage:
createAbility(abilityName: string, keyCode: KeyCode, config: AbilityConfig)
Creates a new custom ability that can be enabled for players.
enableAbility(player: Player, abilityName: string, progressRate: number | nil)
Enables the custom ability for the player. Use the optional progressRate parameter to set the rate (in seconds) at which progress is restored to the custom ability.
removeAbility(player: Player, abilityName: string)
Removes the custom ability from the player.
setProgressRate(player: Player, abilityName: string, progressRate: number | nil)
Sets the rate (in seconds) at which progress is restored to the cstom ability.
getProgress(player: Player, abilityName: string): number
Returns the current progress of the ability.
addProgress(player: Player, abilityName: string, amount: number)
Adds the given amount of progress to the current progress on the ability.
subProgress(player: Player, abilityName: string, amount: number)
Subtracts the given amount of progress from the current progress on the ability.
setProgress(player: Player, abilityName: string, amount: number)
Sets the progress for the ability to the given amount.
getAbilities(player: Player): string[]
Returns a list of custom abilities that the player currently has enabled.
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